Highly Personalized AI Videos at Scale Featuring Your Digital Clone

Engage, Personalize, Transform: Experience unparalleled personalization at scale with our cutting-edge AI technology designed to create authentic, engaging videos featuring YOU that resonate with each viewer individually. Build both visibility and trust by creating thousands of personalized, high converting videos from just one video!

Struggling to create personalized content for your audience at scale?

Are your engagement and conversion rates not meeting expectations?

Facing challenges with the time and cost of producing quality, personalized videos?


It's no surprise that video content significantly enhances engagement and information retention compared to text. Videos can convey emotions and complex ideas more effectively, leading to higher engagement rates, improved SEO, and stronger emotional connections with the audience. They cater to visual and auditory learners, making content more accessible and memorable.

The challenge is that creating engaging, personalized video content for each customer at scale is a daunting task for businesses. Traditional methods are time-consuming, expensive, and often fail to meet the individual needs of the audience, resulting in low engagement and conversion rates. Just think how long it takes you to record a personal 'welcome' message or sales call for just one person, let alone creating and sending a personalized video to hundreds or even thousands of people.

Autovid AI, by Automate Boring, harnesses advanced AI technology to automate the creation of personalized videos featuring your digital clone, making it efficient and cost-effective. Our platform enables businesses to easily produce high-quality, tailored content that speaks directly to each customer, significantly boosting engagement and conversions.

Voice Cloning Technology

Our state-of-the-art voice cloning feature allows you to maintain a consistent and personal voice in every video, making each communication feel genuine and direct.

Realistic Lip-synch

Ensure your messages are delivered smoothly with our lip-sync technology, matching your cloned voice to your digital clone perfectly in 29 different languages.

Customizable Templates

Get started quickly with our range of customizable templates designed for various industries and occasions, making it easier than ever to create videos that captivate your audience.

Data-Driven Insights

Measure the impact of your personalized videos with our comprehensive analytics, helping you to refine and optimize your strategy for even better results.

Personalized Video Backgrounds

Boost conversions with a custom background in your video or use a fullscreen layout to showcase a customer's website, LinkedIn, or product demo.

Unified Brand Identity

Easily create a drag-and-drop landing page to host your videos, featuring customizable CTAs, colors, titles, logos, and URLs to align with your brand.

Customized CTA

Craft your audience's actions with customizable, clickable CTA buttons. Embed tools like Calendly, forms, add buttons, or your own unique CTA for endless possibilities and impactful results.

Personalized Video Previews

Integrate personalized videos into emails, LinkedIn, SMS, and more, with an automatically generated GIF preview to boost responses, click-throughs, and conversions.

Choosing Autovid AI as your go-to platform for video content creation offers a multitude of advantages designed to elevate your digital presence and streamline your video production process. Here's why Autovid AI stands out from the crowd:

Unmatched Personalization sets Autovid AI apart, offering you the ability to create personalized digital clones that mirror your unique persona. This groundbreaking feature enables a level of engagement and authenticity previously unattainable with generic video content. With Autovid AI, your videos will not just deliver a message; they'll represent you in the most genuine way possible, ensuring your audience receives a more engaging and personal viewing experience.

Cost-Effective Solutions are at the core of Autovid AI's offerings. Our competitive pricing model is designed to provide exceptional value without compromising on quality. Whether it's crafting your digital clone or producing video content by the minute, Autovid AI ensures that high-quality video production is accessible and affordable, making sure that financial constraints don't limit your creative vision.

Seamless Integration with your current tech stack and workflows is a priority, ensuring Autovid AI enhances your productivity and content quality without the hassle of a complex transition. Our platform is engineered to integrate effortlessly into your existing operations, making the adoption of Autovid AI smooth and beneficial right from the start.

Custom Training and Support are integral to your success with Autovid AI. We provide tailored training programs designed specifically for your team, ensuring everyone can maximize the platform's capabilities. Coupled with our dedicated support, we ensure your transition to and ongoing use of Autovid AI is as effective and efficient as possible, empowering you to make the most out of your video content.

Advanced Technological Features propel Autovid AI into the forefront of video content creation. With capabilities like text messaging, eye-tracking technology, superior voice matching, and sensitivity to expressions, Autovid AI is equipped to produce videos that are not only highly realistic but also deeply impactful, setting a new standard for what video content can achieve.

Superior Customer Service ensures that your experience with Autovid AI is seamless and satisfactory. Our US-based customer service team is dedicated to providing timely and comprehensive support, addressing your queries promptly and ensuring that your needs are met with the utmost attention to detail.

Flexibility at Your Fingertips with Autovid AI means there are no limits to what you can create. Our platform offers you the freedom to produce content of any size or length, equipped with the tools and guidance necessary to bring your vision to life without constraints, encouraging creativity and innovation in your video production.

Broad Distribution Capabilities mean that your content reaches your audience, wherever they may be. Autovid AI's extensive integration capabilities for content sharing ensure that your videos gain maximum visibility and engagement across various platforms, amplifying your message and connecting with viewers far and wide.

In essence, Autovid AI is not just a platform; it's a revolution in personalized video content creation, designed to meet the needs of today's digital landscape. With its unique blend of personalization, affordability, technological sophistication, and user-friendly features, Autovid AI is the perfect partner for anyone looking to make a lasting impact with their video content.

Some of the Many Ways to Leverage Your Own Digital Clone

  • Personalized marketing videos
  • Customized customer onboarding experiences
  • Targeted sales pitches
  • Automated video responses for customer service
  • Personalized product demonstrations
  • Event invitations and follow-ups
  • Training and educational content for employees
  • Internal communication updates
  • Customer testimonials and case studies
  • Seasonal greetings and messages

Get started today by scheduling a time to speak with the Automate Boring Team!

Scale Your Business Bigger and Faster

Discover the difference that personalized video can make for your business. With Autovid AI, you're not just sending a message; you're creating a connection. Our platform is built for businesses looking to innovate their communication strategies and make every interaction count.

Creating a digital clone of you, instead of using a pre-built and unknown avatar, offers a more personalized and authentic experience, closely mimicking real-life gestures, expressions, and voice, enhancing viewer engagement. It's ideal for personal branding, as it maintains your presence consistently across content. Conversely, avatars, while versatile and customizable, may lack the same level of personal connection and authenticity, potentially reducing the impact on the audience. Autovid's digital clones excel in scenarios where personal touch and brand representation are crucial.

  • Increased Engagement: Personalized videos capture attention more effectively and 10x your engagement.
  • Higher Conversion Rates: Tailored messaging boosts your email click-through rates by 250%
  • Scalability: Create personalized videos in bulk effortlessly to hundreds or thousands of contacts.
  • Cost Efficiency: Reduce production costs with AI-generated content.
  • Time Savings: Automate video creation and distribution processes.
  • Improved Customer Experience and Satisfaction: Offer unique, personalized interactions.
  • Enhanced Brand Loyalty: Build stronger connections through personalized content.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Optimize campaigns with actionable analytics.
  • Versatility: Use across marketing, sales, operations and customer support.
  • Accessibility: Make complex technology easy for any business to utilize.

Autovid AI vs Other Platforms

Choosing Autovid AI as your go-to platform for video content creation offers a multitude of advantages designed to elevate your digital presence and streamline your video production process. Here's why Autovid AI stands out from the crowd:

Unmatched Personalization sets Autovid AI apart, offering you the ability to create personalized digital clones that mirror your unique persona. This groundbreaking feature enables a level of engagement and authenticity previously unattainable with generic video content. With Autovid AI, your videos will not just deliver a message; they'll represent you in the most genuine way possible, ensuring your audience receives a more engaging and personal viewing experience.

Cost-Effective Solutions are at the core of Autovid AI's offerings. Our competitive pricing model is designed to provide exceptional value without compromising on quality. Whether it's crafting your AI clone or producing video content by the minute, Autovid AI ensures that high-quality video production is accessible and affordable, making sure that financial constraints don't limit your creative vision.

Seamless Integration with your current tech stack and workflows is a priority, ensuring Autovid AI enhances your productivity and content quality without the hassle of a complex transition. Our platform is engineered to integrate effortlessly into your existing operations, making the adoption of Autovid AI smooth and beneficial right from the start.

Custom Training and Support are integral to your success with Autovid AI. We provide tailored training programs designed specifically for your team, ensuring everyone can maximize the platform's capabilities. Coupled with our dedicated support, we ensure your transition to and ongoing use of Autovid AI is as effective and efficient as possible, empowering you to make the most out of your video content.

Advanced Technological Features propel Autovid AI into the forefront of video content creation. With capabilities like text messaging, eye-tracking technology, superior voice matching, and sensitivity to expressions, Autovid AI is equipped to produce videos that are not only highly realistic but also deeply impactful, setting a new standard for what video content can achieve.

Superior Customer Service ensures that your experience with Autovid AI is seamless and satisfactory. Our US-based customer service team is dedicated to providing timely and comprehensive support, addressing your queries promptly and ensuring that your needs are met with the utmost attention to detail.

Flexibility at Your Fingertips with Autovid AI means there are no limits to what you can create. Our platform offers you the freedom to produce content of any size or length, equipped with the tools and guidance necessary to bring your vision to life without constraints, encouraging creativity and innovation in your video production.

Broad Distribution Capabilities mean that your content reaches your audience, wherever they may be. Autovid AI's extensive integration capabilities for content sharing ensure that your videos gain maximum visibility and engagement across various platforms, amplifying your message and connecting with viewers far and wide.

In essence, Autovid AI is not just a platform; it's a revolution in personalized video content creation, designed to meet the needs of today's digital landscape. With its unique blend of personalization, affordability, technological sophistication, and user-friendly features, Autovid AI is the perfect partner for anyone looking to make a lasting impact with their video content.

How It Works


You record a video with a general message you want to share.


Add variables to your template to personalize the video for each viewer.


Generate countless unique AI videos of you, without saying another word.

Start an exciting journey to bring your digital presence to life with Autovid AI. The process begins with a simple yet powerful step: record a video of yourself, sharing your thoughts and insights for just 2 to 3 minutes. Through our user-friendly dashboard, upload your video, and the magic starts to unfold. Within 24 hours or less, behold the creation of your digital clone—a high-definition digital twin, ready to convey your messages with unparalleled authenticity.

But the adventure doesn't stop there. Whenever inspiration strikes, you're empowered to script your ideas into reality. Submit your scripts at any time, and watch as your words transform into engaging videos in just 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the script length.

The essence of personalization breathes life into each video. Imagine addressing your audience by name, referencing their company, or speaking directly to their unique challenges and aspirations. With Autovid AI, this level of personal touch is not just possible—it's effortless. Incorporate dynamic variables, whether a single word or an entire sentence, to tailor your message with precision. Email a personalized video to 10, 100, or even thousands of contacts in just a few clicks. We even provide you an animated gif, based on your video, to embed in the email so readers click and watch your video. There's no cap on creativity; your video can be as big and detailed as your vision allows.

And there's more—set the stage for your message by choosing a landing page that resonates with your audience. From a panoramic view of your client's website to the professional backdrop of their LinkedIn profile, the choice is yours. This personalized setting not only captivates your viewers but also strengthens the connection, making every interaction memorable.

With Autovid AI, you're not just creating videos; you're crafting experiences that echo your voice, embody your brand, and engage your audience like never before. Start your journey today and watch your digital clone bridge the gap between technology and genuine human connection.

Get started today by scheduling a time to speak with the Automate Boring Team!

Can an Autovid AI Clone Look Real? Check Out Some of Them Below!

Forget avatars. Our Autovid digital clones are absolutely state-of-the-art, expressing emotion and movement that is so smooth that it could fool your best friend! Don't believe us? Here are a few examples of digital clones that were created to help with marketing, sales, and customer support. Next to each video you will see the script used along with the dynamic variables that are replaced with a different word in each instance creating a personalized video. You have the ability to add in as many dynamic variables as you want, and there is no limit to their length. You can even replace entire sentences for a truly personalized video for each viewer!

Automate Your Onboarding

Guide new customers through the onboarding steps with video content to capture their attention effectively. Visuals aid in faster and better information retention, making video the optimal choice for communicating your product or service's value and functionalities.

Video Script

Hey, @first_name! So glad to be working with you and the @company_name team! Ready to see more @success_metric with us? Then let’s get you onboarded.

Onboarding is easy. First, we'll do a quick overview of our features, then we'll cover policies and procedures for users, and wrap up with account setup. The process takes roughly 10 minutes total, and you’ll be done in no time!

Have any questions along the way or after the walkthrough? Shoot your customer success manager, @csm_name, a note and we’d be happy to help. Thanks, @first_name!

Follow Up With Leads from a Webinar

Seize the moment when interest peaks by leveraging the power of personalized video. While webinars effectively draw attention, they might not suffice for engaging your audience fully. Supplement with a compelling video to motivate further action from your attendees. For those unable to attend, reaching out with a tailored video can also make a significant impact, encouraging them to engage with your message and take the next steps.

Video Script

Hi, @first_name! Thank you so much for attending our webinar last @day.

I hope you found the webinar informative, and that we’ll be able to help you tell a compelling brand story through our SEO and AI tools. If you're interested in seeing more, I encourage you to sign up for a one-week trial. This will give you the opportunity to see firsthand how we can help @company_name thrive.

If you’re not ready for that kind of leap yet, I’d be happy to set up a demo and answer any questions you have from the webinar! Either way, @first_name, just let me know.

Thanks again for your interest and for taking the time to attend the webinar. I look forward to working with you. Have a great day!

Upsell Your Products

Attracting a new customer can cost five times more than keeping an existing one. Customers satisfied with their purchase are more likely to buy again, making them prime candidates for upselling opportunities. This highlights the value of investing in customer retention and satisfaction.

Video Script

Hey, @first_name! Thanks for being a loyal Threadz subscriber! I see you’ve been with us for @time_passed now, so I wanted to share a new opportunity we have available that you might find really interesting.

You’d find @subscription_name really interesting because it gets you @amount as many recycled clothes as your regular subscription. I can tell you appreciate a fresh look and support our mission to reduce textile waste! Plus, if you do the math, you’ll see huge savings compared to receiving the same amount of clothes individually.

If that sparks your interest, just click the “UPGRADE” link. Thanks, @first_name! See you around!

Boost Cross-Sell and Up-Sell Conversions

Guide new customers through the onboarding steps with video content to capture their attention effectively. Visuals aid in faster and better information retention, making video the optimal choice for communicating your product or service's value and functionalities.

Video Script

Hey, @first_name! Thanks for your order. We’re processing it as I speak.

The @first_product is one of our most popular items, and many customers see incredible results when they combine it with @second_product. I added a link so you could check it out. And if you’d like to add it to your order, let us know in the next two hours. That way you won’t have to pay for shipping!

Hope you enjoy your order, @first_name!

Increase Engagement

Craft tailored newsletters and marketing materials to nurture a dynamic and devoted clientele. Engage both current and potential customers consistently with bespoke content that highlights the superiority of your offerings. This approach blends educational outreach with authoritative insights, showcasing your brand’s expertise.

Video Script

Hey, @first_name! It’s Alex from Threadz! We have some exciting updates we wanted to share!

I wanted you to be the first to know, we just launched our new sustainable swimwear line. So whether you're hitting the beach or lounging by the pool, you can feel good about your purchase and the impact it has on the planet.

And also, we recently introduced a new referral program. For every friend you refer to Threadz, you'll receive a credit toward your next monthly clothing box. Right now, you’re @amount credits away from your free Threadz box!

Well, that’s the update! Thanks for being a part of the Threadz community, @first_name. See you in @following_month!

Update Customers On Product Changes

Introducing new updates? Transform the way you alert customers: pique their interest and build anticipation for what's coming!

Video Script

Hi, @first_name!

Hope your @day is going well! Just wanted to check in with some exciting product news!

If you haven’t headed over to your dashboard, do it now! We just went live with our new virtual meetings feature, which makes it much easier to connect with @company_name colleagues, customers, and partners.

Try it out with your @department_name team, and tell us what you think. See you later!

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it Autovid AI cost?

View the latest pricing info HERE>>

How quickly can Autovid AI be implemented?

Creating a unique Autovid AI clone requires you to record a 3-minute video. Within 24 hours, you will have your own Autovid AI clone and can start submitting scripts and producing videos to distribute.

Is approval required to use someone's likeness as an Autovid digital clone?

Yes. To create a digital clone with Autovid AI, users must submit a 3-minute training video, as well as a separate consent video granting Automate Boring permission to create, store, and utilize their digital likeness. This process ensures ethical use and respects individual rights, aligning with privacy and data protection standards. It's crucial for maintaining trust and transparency with users, ensuring they understand and agree to how their images and information are used.

Can we scale with Autovid AI?

Unlimited Scaling Options! You can choose to create a general video to send out to as many people as you like, or create a personalized video for 1 to 1000 or more people. Our affordable pricing model, compared to other systems, means you can also have multiple people in your company create Autovid AI clones at one-third the price of similar platforms, such as Synthesia and HeyGen. Why not provide access to your entire sales team to reach more prospects, increase conversion rate, and generate more revenue?

Can Autovid AI be integrated with other platforms?

Yes. Autovid AI seamlessly integrates with your workflow, enhancing onboarding, recruitment, product walkthroughs, and customer success. With integrations through Zapier, HubSpot, Salesforce, and more, it enables automated, real-time personalized video responses, dynamically adapts video content for diverse audiences, and nurtures customer relationships throughout their lifecycle, transforming ordinary touchpoints into extraordinary interactions.

Is there enterprise pricing and support?

Yes, we have enterprise pricing options for companies, as well as custom training programs for employees and leaders to help implement Autovid AI faster and more effectively.

Do you do custom software development?

Yes, Automate Boring does bespoke software development. If you need help integrating Autovid AI with your platforms, or if you want to have a custom application developed, please contact us.

Can I cancel at any time?

Yes, you can pause or cancel your monthly subscription at any time through your Autovid AI dashboard.

Get started today by scheduling a time to speak with the Automate Boring Team!


AutomateBoring LLC

4021 W WALNUT ST #1013 ROGERS; AR 72756

Email: help@automateboring.net

Phone: (479) 351-0355‬